I previously mentioned in Carrie's hair and make-up trial post, that we went to the same high school together. This morning I headed to Carrie's mom's house in Scarborough, Ontario, and driving in that area brought back so many memories! The weather today is overcast, but it wasn't raining, so that was nice. Carrie's reception is being held at
Fantasy Farm. Her little almost three year old niece was the flower girl and was very sweet. Unfortunately she has Cancer, and will hopefully be getting her "
Make a Wish" to go to
Disneyland this June for her birthday. I was going to put some complimentary make-up on her, but she just wanted to watch everyone else get their make-up done. I also did Carrie's Mother-In-Law's make-up, but she went home to get dressed, and I didn't get a chance to take a photo. Hopefully when Carrie gets her photos she will send some to me.
Congratulations Carrie.

Sister and Maid of Honour Johanna